Solar Industry Company India: Key Factors Installers Should Consider

Solar Industry India

Optimizing Solar System Performance: Key Factors Installers Should Consider

Solar system optimization helps the panels generate electricity to their full potential and yield the best possible ROI. Underperforming systems and PV modules can result in inadequate panel performance and, thereby, energy production. Hence, in order to maximize their efficiency, optimizing the PV cells is the key. Let us set out on this road together and uncover the root factors to consider while optimizing solar system performance. 

Grid integration for energy storage

Grid integration allows the storage of excess energy and then utilizing it on days of low sunlight. This lowers your dependency on grid and allows you to be energy-independent. Grid integration techniques like net-metering and feed-in tariffs also offer financial advantages, improving your self-consumption.

System design and use of high-quality components 

The right system design plays a crucial role in optimizing panel performance. As the leading solar PV consultants in India, our engineers consider factors like energy usage trends, available roof space, and local legislation rules while choosing the right system size. Any deviation from the optimum size or design will hamper the panel’s performance and energy production. We work closely with the clients to understand their requirements and prefer only reputable brands to ensure the peak functioning of the panels. Equipped with the latest solar cell technology, these high-efficiency PV panels are a pro in converting sunlight into energy even during low sunlight hours.

Improving panel efficiency 

Apart from using the best quality materials, solar installers take into consideration factors like panel tilt and orientation, panel type, shade-free area, etc, to boost energy production. Tilting the panels according to your geographical location will allow you to get the maximum sunlight during the peak hours. Bifacial panels, owing to their double-sided design, can harness more sunlight than the others.

Tracking and optimizing

Monitoring and optimizing system performance at regular intervals are equally essential to obtain optimum output. This prevents energy loss and aids you in identifying potential inefficiency. Our team uses remote monitoring systems to gain real-time insights and in-depth assessments to improve system productivity. 

On-time maintenance

Once the panels are installed and fully working, scheduling periodic maintenance is important for their best functioning. Make sure the panels are free from dust, dirt, leaves and debris in order to gain an uninterrupted output.

The key to obtaining the ideal panel performance is the combination of all the above factors plus the chosen EPC company’s skills and expertise. Votes as one of the best Solar Industry Company India, Acerenewtech offer premium solar services including initial consultation, planning and installation, monitoring, and maintenance. Take your baby step towards energy conservation with us. Call us today. 

Also read here :- The future of Solar PV in India