Turnkey EPC Solutions

What is Solar PV Plant Turnkey EPC Solutions?

Building a solar system is much more complex than just connecting solar panels and connecting it in a grid. We provide our customers with comprehensive Turnkey EPC solutions comprising all kinds of services ranging from designing and assembly to installation and maintenance. EPC stands for engineering, procurement and construction services. We offer a one-stop solution to all your solar needs. With our efficient team and many contacts, we are committed to delivering you with low maintenance solar products within an affordable range. Our unmatched services ensure that you get a good deal in the long run in terms of profit as well as upkeep. Here are a few of the services offer by Solar EPC Company India:


Our Solar Engineering Company is one of the top solar EPC companies in India. With a team of skilled engineers and designers are passionate in delivering the customer’s vision to realising a greener future with affordable and long lasting solar systems.


Our deals with top providers in the market ensure that we can procure the best quality materials for an affordable price while also maintaining the longevity and increased output from the solar plant.

BOS (Balance of System):

We procure appropriate materials directly from the producer at rates lower than market value for successful installation of your solar plant.

Net Metering:

Besides technical services, we also offer official services in applying for government subsidies and registering your connection.


Through all our services, safety and security remains our utmost priority. We provide the best results while working within necessary safety and environment regulations.

Operations and maintenance:

Our O&M team aims to make efficient power generation as easy as possible. With routine checkups and controlled monitoring over all aspects which affect the final power production and overall working of the system.

Remote Monitoring:

With the advancement of technology, we can also monitor the performance of the plant based on current and past information, performance-based alerts, and online monitoring.


The data generated by electricity production, lost generation due to grid disturbance and electricity usage within the facility is effectively managed by protocols placed by our team.


Lastly and most importantly, we pride ourselves in our servicing quality with detailed inspection, testing, cleaning, preventive and corrective maintenance along with repairs and replacements as required.

Our team of experts are skilled at various Turnkey EPC solutions at different scales ranging from residential and commercial to utility-scale solar services. Utility-scale solar plants have recently grown in popularity due to their capacity to produce more than 1MW. It is geared to produce power bought by utilities which is then distributed within consumers.

With energy conservation attempts under way all over the world, it is high time for both commercial and residential users to switch to a climate conscious decision. We offer various solar EPC solutions along with maintenance  services for a wholesome deal that instals and maintains increased returns altogether. Contact us today to learn more about our offers!